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"One of the most engaging and naturally gifted Keynote Speakers I've ever seen!"

Head of Financial Services,Verizon

Neil Bage is a specialist on the

sub-conscious behaviours that drive our decisions, and is renowned for bridging complex scientific theory with real-world understanding

and application.

Neil Bage is the Co-Founder of Shaping Wealth, a learning technology platform transforming the human experience of money. He has served as a Chief Behavioral Officer in the UK and was the founder and CEO of a multi-award-winning behavioural technology business. 

Neil started his career as a public speaker in the early 1990s as a professional compère for Rank Entertainment. During this time, he was in charge of running the main entertainment venue, being the link between and introducing celebrity acts.

Frequently on stage in front of audiences of over 2,000+ people, this grounding gave Neil his unique presentation style and his ability to be fluid with his presentations and interact with the audience. 

Since then, Neil has featured as a regular Keynote speaker presenting to tens of thousands of business professionals from different industries, including financial services companies, law firms, and multinational technology companies.

An energetic, powerful, and highly engaging speaker, Neil’s talks bring to life the latest in scientific thinking: from human evolution and psychology to human biology and neuroscience. These combine to reveal how people navigate a fast-paced 21st-century world and what it means to be human. 



Watch Neil speak at Finovate Europe or his Keynote talk at a

UK Financial Adviser conference.


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Neil Bage Speaking Promo

Neil Bage Speaking Promo

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Be-IQ Finovate Europe 2018

Be-IQ Finovate Europe 2018

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"Neil is superb at bridging the gap between behavioural science and real world application"

Dr. Daniel Crosby

Chief Behavioural Officer, 

Author, TEDx Speaker

Feedback from attendees of the

Behavioral Adviser Conference 2020 

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